Tuesday, November 22, 2011

EXCLUSIVE: Lena Taylor, Property Accessory To Voter Fraud | Media Trackers

This morning, flee bagger Lena "Don't you know who I am" Taylor sort of denied some of this. To say she was less than convincing is a gross understatement. And Media Trackers and the great Brian Sikma retaliated with a blistering retort vs. the obviously lying, supposed lawyer, supposed champion of voter rights, Lean effing Taylor.

The Grandsons of Liberty have to be greatly applauded for their Open Reocrds request into the same day voter registrations from April, 2011. Huge kudos to them. This is the tip of the iceberg, beleive me. They will uncover many more irregularities, to be sure. They are cheating, pathetic, sore losers, nothing more.


EXCLUSIVE: Lena Taylor, Property Accessory To Voter Fraud | Media Trackers