If you understand Alinsky, you understand Leftists
Obama was an Alinsky trainer at ACORN
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Most Americans Believe The 2012 Election Is The 'Most Important' Ever"
Some interesting perspective on the intensity levels of the 2012 election. No need to remind us of this, we live in Wisconsin, the land of do overs and vuvuzelas.
WRD began in January 2010 at the height of the Obamacare debacle. Since then, WRD banded with a group of like-minded individuals to form the Gadsden Group, influencing thought by challenging bias at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, volunteering for Republican candidates, participating in numerous campaign events, networking with other groups of concerned citizens, and gaining a foothold in social media on Twitter. Our "Letter to to the Left" after Governor Walker's convincing win in the June 2012 recall election went viral, and we decided to officially expand this site to include the Gadsden Group name.
We hope this site will be a one-stop shop for great websites, articles, polls, conservative commentary, and more. 2010 was the year of the Republican comeback, and 2012 was off to a great start with the convincing win of Scott Walker, but we have much work to do after the Romney and Thompson defeats, and it's up to all of us to make it happen. Share with friends, convince your kids, do your part to get our great country back! Thanks for visiting our site! Wisconsin Republican Dad and everyone in the Gadsden Group
WRD: I'm just a dad and husband who's very worried about the direction this country is going, and decided it was time I got involved. I believe in fiscal restraint, personal responsibility, a much smaller goverment, fewer government programs, agencies, and entitlements, strong national defense, and justice for criminals. I want our borders strengthened, tort reform, a balanced budget, and deficit reduction. I believe in Constructionist judges, not liberals who legislate from the bench. I'm pro gun, I'm for expanding nuclear power and offshore drilling. By default, that makes me a conservative Republican. The liberals are killing this country, and worse, they know it. Their desire to be liked, to be seen as champions of the poor, while they continue to grow the welfare state, bothers me greatly. Because arrogance is the worst of human traits, their condescension (that means you Russ Feingold) towards middle America makes me want to scream. So I am...
Gadsden Group: We are a group of like-minded individuals based in Waukesha and Milwaukee counties (WI). We're sick of liberals running our state into the ground, so we decided to make a stand. So far, so good...