I have a theory on the upcoming recall election. Governor Walker won in November 2010 by about a 54-46% margin. I believe he/we can win this totally unnecessary recall election by 4 additional points, or 58-42%, to totally call the lefts' bluff and beat them badly.
1. We should gain at least 1% point because of the terrible opposition candidate. Whether it's Kathleen Falk, Tom Barrett, or Segway Boy, they have no one on their side who can win. They are losers. Falk couldn't even beat JB Van Hollen for Attorney General in the Obama landslide of 2008. You might recall the only Republican who won a contested race that night (Ryan, Sensenbrenner, & Petri were safe) was Van Hollen. She's a terrible candidate, a Madison leftist who might only carry a handful of counties. And of course Barrett got creamed just 15 months ago. That's 55%.
2. Voter ID. With voter ID in place, one could argue that might be worth another 1%. If instituted correctly, same day registrations should be way down, students from out of state should be neutralized, folks who are too incompetent to even know how to get a FREE photo ID won't be able to vote, and Lena Taylor's properties should have a lot fewer eligible voters in them. Out of state Union hacks won't be voting with a freakin' Residence Inn address. People won't be able to show their electric bill as "proof" they live where they most likely don't even pay their electric bill. Maybe not a full point, but you get the idea. That's 56%.
3. All can agree the tactics and behavior of the unhinged far left has been a total embarrassment to our state. We've all talked to folks who while they may not agree with everything the Governor has done, are ashamed of the way he, his family, and all Republican legislators and supporters have been treated. Death threats, constant screaming from the Capital gallery, beer dumped on Assemblyma Vos's head, name calling, the list goes on and on. Find me one Independent who thinks this recall is warranted in any way. There aren't any. We all know people who signed the recall petitions out of fear of reprisal (think teacher's lounge at your local high school or the cafeteria in one of the state office buildings), but are ashamed of the incredibly sore losers who are doing nothing more than trying to nullify the election of 2010. Whether it be the Special Olympics ceremony, the constant demonstrations at the Capital, the incessant bitching, complaining, and self-loathing, most good people in the middle have had it. I know Democrats who know the recall is a joke. They lost, so get up, kick the dust off your clothes, and get to work to win the NEXT election. That's why we have them! We all know this is only about power, and has nothing to do about collective bargaining. How do we know this? Because the Dems took out the Recall Walker domain name BEFORE the November 2010 election. This was months before Act 10 was even discussed. If this isn't worth 1%, nothing is. That's 57%.
4. Finally, getting us to 58%: "It's Working!!!" Unless you are part of the 25% unhinged folks, you have to agree the Governor's reforms work. Balanced Budget. Very few layoffs, and the layoffs that did occur were in districts that rammed through deals before Act 10--they are responsible for those layoffs, certainly not the Governor. Imagine if you are a School Board member or County Board member who usually votes for Democrats. The Governor's reforms just saved your butts! You are welcome Mayor Barrett. you were able to avoid layoffs while having public employees pay small percentages for their pension and health care. That's it. How could you honestly vote to go back to the old ways where the inmates were running the asylum, and the slush fund known as WEA Trust was killing you with over charges? You can't. Moderates and Independents, and all Republicans, will vote for the Governor, it's as simple as that.
Add in conceal carry legislation, a kinder, gentler DNR, no rise in property taxes for the first time in forever, a much improved business climate & rating, the Governor's positive, cheerful demeanor through all of this, there is no doubt in my mind that this should be a........Landslide.
So from this day forward, I believe we need to let the Democrats know that we not going to just win this election, we are going to crush them in this election. And their over reach, this ridiculous, expensive do over is going to create the most popular, and powerful Governor in the country. Other states will be emboldened to follow our lead, and the beginning of the end of the out of control unions will be close at hand. And if we can get a Republican majority in the Senate, and a responsible person in the White House, who knows, maybe we can save the whole country.
So let's move forward with this wasted recall election, and win in a landslide. We can do this.