Some good stuff from Wisconsin Club for Growth. We've been all over this guy in Twitter, and it's well-deserved. He's really a dick, the worst our country has to offer. A smarmy, liberal, progressive, know-it-all, who as it turns out, knows very little. You know this POS wears horrible man-sandals, sips wine with pinky extended, and got the crap beat out of him every day of high school. I've never met the man, but for some reason, I know everything there is to know about him. A lying, deceitful, smartest-guy-in-the-room educrat who has total disdain for his fellow man.
I've contacted Assemblyman Dave Craig and asked him to look into the supposed $400,000 payment former Governor Doylet paid this phony, and to see if we can't sue him for fraud to get it back. Stay tuned on that, as I know Dave is the right man for the job.
The Stupidity of Jonathan Gruber

With U.S. Supreme Court arguments upcoming on the question whether federal and state health insurance exchanges are synonymous, the discovery of contrary statements by ObamaCare architect and MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber are especially inconvenient for the administration and the premium subsidies that form the prop on which ObamaCare’s short-term survival depends.
The remarks are also especially hard to dismiss, given that a fourth instance of Gruber speaking publicly about deliberately deceiving the public over the health care legislation has now surfaced and even CNN couldn’t resist reporting it.
But we have to join with a few other commentators in believing Gruber’s initial remark about “the stupidity of the American voter”—pause for a moment to savor the irony—inadvertently spotlighted the precise opposite. Gruber’s remarks made it abundantly clear that he believed ObamaCare could never be enacted unless the administration lied to the public about its intentions and effects. In other words, Gruber knew the American voter was too smart to buy what he was peddling.
And despite the lying, the public wasn’t deceived. Remember the massacre of Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections? Gruber might better have marveled at the stupidity of congressional liberals.
The true stupidity of Jonathan Gruber lies in his presumptuousness. Gruber thought—and might still think—he could gloat in public over his mendacity and pay no price for it. Thanks to this pomposity, the price could very well include the collapse of his entire redistributionist enterprise, provided the Supreme Court finally decides there must be limits on the administration having it both ways.