Monday, March 9, 2015

Where Were Democrats in Selma 50 Years Ago? Viciously Beating Marchers | Common Sense Central on News/Talk 1130 WISN

As you all know, the Democrats have tried to rewrite history when it comes to the Civil Rights movement. Hell, there are now textbooks that claim Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat, even though he was the first REPUBLICAN President, winning on a platform of preserving the union and ending slavery.

As bad as that is, it's easy to refute.  Facts are facts. 

But what's a little trickier, and what they are so ashamed for they will lie, distort, cover up, distort, and lie some more about, is the era of Jim Crow, the KKK, Poll taxes, lynchings, mob rule, and more. This was of course all led by Democrats, since Republicans had literally no power whatsoever in the South.  So now they try to portray themselves as the party of Civil Rights, when nothing could be further from the truth.  Even LBJ switched sides only for votes, when he arrogantly and pathetically said, "I'll have those niggers (his word, not mine!) voting for Democrats for the next 100 years."

The Kennedy brothers of course deserve much credit for their work in the civil rights movement, and it cost both them their lives.  But by today's standards, JFK was more Republican than Democrat, with his views on tax cuts, the war against Communism, and yes, Civil Rights.

Below is Dan O'Donnell's piece that you may have heard on the radio today.  I don't blog as much anymore since there are literally hundreds of them out there done by full-time people, but I felt this item was too important to ignore.  I created this blog to try to help our kids fight back against all the BS and revisionist history they get in school;  this is one issue we cannot let the Left take credit for.  They are living a LIE.


Where Were Democrats in Selma 50 Years Ago? Viciously Beating Marchers | Common Sense Central on News/Talk 1130 WISN