This article (link below) is not really about the millions in state-funded handouts to their laid off administrators, which is criminal enough.
Here's the real math:
Excerpts from Article:
The state university has let go of nearly 400 employees since the beginning of the year, or about 40 percent of its staff.
The 150-year-old public university served about 4,500 students last year.
So if they laid off 400 people, and that's 40%, that means they had 1,000 people there. They served 4,500 students. They had 1,000 people for 4,500 students? Are you freaking kidding? That's a ratio of 1 to 4.5. How in anyone's world could this be justified? These colleges and universities have become jobs programs for the elite, the eggheads who can't do anything else. And of course they're 90+% lefties, and with that comes the usual bitching, moaning, and complaining of how large their class load is, how little office time they get, how much they are underfunded, blah, blah, blah.
Talk about insanity, this is it.
And by the way, this is one of the worst colleges in the country. Feel free to check.