Monday, February 22, 2010

My letter to Congressman Ron Kind: VOTE NO on Obama Care!!!

I hope you will consider doing the same. His fax # is 202-225-5739, and his phone # is 202-225-5506. Again, there's nothing we can do with Obey, Moore, Baldwin, and Kagen. So lets inundate Congressman Kind and do our part to stop this thing.

Those of you from other states, you know what to do.

I realize they may use reconciliation or the nuclear option to ram through the Senate version, but if they're forced to do this, they will be landslided in November, and we'll hopefully have time to un do it.

Feb. 22nd, 2010

Dear Congressman Kind,

My name is Paul Osen, and I am a resident of Muskego, WI. I graduated at UW La Crosse, and have been following the healthcare debate very carefully.

I would strongly encourage you to vote against Obama Care in its current state. Approximately 70% of Americans are against socialized healthcare. We can’t afford it.
We don’t want it. It is bad for America. It needs to be scrapped.

If you vote yes for this, there is absolutely no way you will be re-elected in November. None. Not a chance. Won’t even be close.

Voters from all over the state and most likely the country, will be pouring dollars into the Kapanke campaign, and no matter what the DNC and the White House promise you in the way of support, it won’t be nearly enough.

So, while I do not live in District #3, I would strongly encourage you to listen to your constituents, which is not only the people of Western WI, but all Americans.

Do the right thing. Vote against socializing our healthcare system like the vast majority of Americans want.


Paul A. Osen
UW La Crosse, class of 1980