Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wisconsin Congressional Map

Hello fellow cheeseheads. If we're going to help the rest of the country, we need to take care of bidness here at home. That means winning 6 of the 8 Congressional districts, or a huge pick up of 3 House seats. There are 5 locks:

District 1/Southeast: The incredible Republican and future Presidential candidate Paul Ryan.
District 2/Madison area: The People's Republic's own leftist Tammy Baldwin, America's most powerful lesbian.
District 4/inner city Milwaukee: The incompetent Milwaukee Democrat Gwen Moore.
District 5/northwest Milwaukee suburbs: The great Republican Jim Sensenbrenner.
District 6/East Central: The non-descript Republican Tom Petri.

There are three seats that Republicans from all over the country need to get behind:

District 3/Western: Republican challenger Dan Kapanke can beat Democrat Ron Kind.
District 7/Northwest: Republican challenger Sean Duffy HAS TO BEAT the earmark king, lifer Dave Obey.
District 8/Northeast: The Republican primary winner HAS TO BEAT freshmen lefty, Steve Kagen.

Do your part to make this happen with your time & treasure. If everyone in Ryan and Sensenbrenners' districts gave $10 to the guys in 3,7, and 8, it would make a HUGE difference! --Paul