Tuesday, March 23, 2010

my letter to Bart Stupak (D-MI)

Why do I have the feeling he won't he be calling me back, or sending me my check. --Paul

Mr. Stupak,

You owe me $40. I donated $20 on 2 different occasions to support Catholic organizations that supported you in your attempt to kill the disastrous healthcare bill. Since you caved, I would like my money back.

I realize this bill will cost me and my family tens of thousands of dollars over the courses of our lifetimes (my 3 kids ages 20, 18, and 14 can't thank you enough for that), but for now, I'm just looking for the $40 back. Please mail to the address provided on your email form.

Good luck in finding employment in Michigan next November. Thanks to your Democrat and union run state, you have the worst economy in the country. Or have you already accepted an ambassadorship somewhere?