Wednesday, April 21, 2010
2010: Take Back America, A Battle Plan by Dick Morris
I am currently reading 2010 Take Back America by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann. I would encourage you to do the same. Dick is one interesting guy. When he was working with Carville to get Clinton re-elected back in the 90's, I couldn't stand him. But like many conservatives, he's a recovering liberal who finally saw the light of a strong defense, smaller government, lower taxes, aggressive foreign policy, less regualtion, and so on.
And the man cannot stand the current President. His book attacks this weak leader with laser-like precision. He outlines which Congressmen need to be defeated (remember we need to gain 40 seats to have a majority), and which Senators need to be defeated (remember we need to gain 10 to have a majority). Each person is researched and is analyzed in great detail. If you've become a political junkie like me, this is a must read. Then, don't forget to pass it around to your kids, spouse, friends, etc.
The book is only relevant till Nov. 2nd, 2010, so get crackin.' --Paul