Hey Bart,
Thanks for the great illustration below. This is the kind of info that the young people can understand, and that's really a focus of mine up here. We have to convince them, because of their brainwashing at so many colleges, etc.
Adding to your point, we have a Dept. of Energy that doesn't create any energy, and a Dept. of Education that doesn't teach a single student! And the list goes on and on.
People are getting it now though, so that's the most important thing that's been happening. Have to run, but will catch up soon.
-----Original Message-----
From: Starrjrbb
To: osenpaul@netscape.net
Sent: Thu, May 6, 2010 9:59 am
Subject: Re: Happy Cinco de Mayo, Wisconsin style!!!!
Great note as always.
Here is a fact that perfectly illustrates the ridiculous growth of the Federal government.
40 years ago we had nearly 5 million farms in the U.S., and fewer than 10,000 empoyees at the Department of Agriculture.
Today, we have only 2 million farms (most are of course much more efficient) but more than 100,000 employees at the USDA.
The ratio of bureaucrats to farmers has increased 25 fold!
Are these idiots in Wahington paying attention to Europe, and the consequences of unchecked growth of the public sector?
Bart Starr, Jr.