Most folks agree Romney (RINO, MA) won another debate, and the rest didn't. Perry is nowhere in this format. Cain has a shot. The rest will be gone soon. So without Palin,Rubio,and Ryan, we've got three R's 3 left: One's a RINO, one's a redneck (not that there's anything wrong with that), and one's a restauranteur with no political office experience (not that there's anything wrong with that). All are obviously better than Obama, but none are the dream candidate we were so hoping would emerge. Rubio will really perk up the ticket, and regardless, we can carry Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Indiana, Colorado, and perhaps others such as Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Nevada, and absolutely win in a landslide.
But I wish we had a dream candidate...
ezraklein Ezra Klein
Debate wrap: Romney won. Not-Romney, not-Romney, not-Romney, not-Romney, not-Romney, not-Romney and not-Romney didn't.
stephenfhayes Stephen Hayes
Romney-strong debate (again). Cain-helped by being central, hurt by Greenspan answer/Fed stuff. Perry-largely irrelevant, not good for him.
LarrySabato Larry Sabato
This prof's grades: Romney A, Cain A, Gingrich A-, Santorum A-, Bachmann B+, Paul B, Huntsman C-, Perry D+
JimPethokoukis James Pethokoukis
No one mussed Romney's hair. Cain's Greenspan answer was mindbogglingly bad. Perry? I don't get it
fivethirtyeight Nate Silver
My debate grades FWIW: Romney B+, Cain B, Huntsman B-, Gingrich B-, Bachmann C+, Paul C+, Santorum C, Perry C
AriFleischer Ari Fleischer
Romney wins. Perry fades. Cain still strong. Sant makes good points, but is a senator. Hunts may fit NH. Newt good dinner guest