Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Second UWGB official retired and then came back

Why, looky heah....surprise, surprise, surprise. Tip fo the iceberg. Journalists, who wants to win a Pulitzer? It's right there for the taking. The fleecing of a state, of a group of people, by another group of total assholes.

By Tom Tolan of the Journal Sentinel
Oct. 19, 2011

A second administrator from the University of Wisconsin Green Bay rejoined the university after retiring last spring, and is now collecting a six-figure salary along with a $44,000 pension, according to a report on the website of the Green Bay Press Gazette.

The paper says Associate Provost Timothy Sewall retired from his job in March — when the Legislature was reducing benefits for public employees — and was hired back a month later to his $110,000 position.

Officials say it's legal for a state retiree to take another job or to be rehired by his or her former employer — though state regulations require they be gone at least 30 days, and prohibits reaching a rehiring deal before leaving the position, The Associated Press has reported.

The Press Gazette quotes an aide to state Rep. Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) as saying messages from co-workers indicated they expected him back soon.

But the paper quoted Sewall as saying, “There is no evidence I did not follow state policy. I retired because I thought my benefits would be at risk. No one was sure what was going to happen under the governor’s budget-repair bill.”

The AP has been reporting about the departure of UWGB Vice Chancellor Tom Maki, who retired in mid-March and was hired back a month later. Documents obtained by the AP indicate officials had a contract ready to rehire him days before he officially announced his resignation, the news service reported.