From a guy on the web, thought it was a good, simple reply to a guy who was spouting off about something or other.
The definition of a fanatic: One- when faced with absolute fact- refuses to adjust faulty thinking. Presidents don't pass legislation - they only sign it or get overridden. The last two years of Bush II had a Democratic Congress with a veto proof majority. The Chosen one had the same majority and frittered away his chance due to vanity and inexperience- That Intellectual leader of the House- Pelosi - ran him like a lab rat.
Reagan ran the country into the ground? He inherited the misery index of Jimmah Carter - and fixed it in three years.
Incontrovertible fact: Republicans create business and defend the country - Democrats tax and redistribute the wealth created by Republicans. Republicans can get along fine without Democrats - the reverse is not true.
Look only at the health of Republican Governor states.
Drink deep of the koolade.