Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Actor Andy Garcia steps out to Support Romney!!!

Alright, we have another actor supporting the good guys. I believe we're now up to 3!!! Found this on Twitter, a couple typos, but you get the point.


CHEERS for Actor, Andy Garcia! #tcot #romney #news

From actor Andy Garcia.....

"After watching Mr. Romney on 60 Minutes I was reminded there is nothing to discuss. Mr.Romney is the right man for the job and we are very lucky to have him applying for it, it's actually a luxury. Mr. Obama doesn't even come close as he is nothing but an old used and boring joke. Actually Mr. Obama is very lucky he is not sent to jail for treason."

"Actually, it's very easy to understand the fact why Mr. Obama doesn't understand the USA or the West has enemies, a sad but true fact -proven through the last two Millennium - who want us subjugated or dead (not so much because he is dysfunctional, ignorant or stupid...) it's because HE is the enemy."

"Obama's record isn't just "not good." It's atrocious, and his foreign policy misadventures are the epitome of incompetence. Even so, we must confront the reality that most voters won't take the time to familiarize themselves with the facts. Therefore, it's our job to tell them, and hopefully we can persuade some of them or even most of them to look at Obama's record objectively. If they do, they will conclude that what Donald Trump and many others have said about him is true: "President Obama is the worst president in this country's history."