Thursday, September 27, 2012

Incredible 9 minute video on Obama and Israel

This excellent video was produced by a group called The Republican Jewish Coalition. In it, they explain how Obama has dissed Israel, and how both Republicans and Democrats are against his approach. In the last minute, a prominent Jewish Democrat implores all American Jews to vote against Obama, and it closes with the frames "We can do better than Obama.  We must do better."

This is a huge losing issue for Dear Leader, He sides with the Muslims at every turn, perhaps because he is one. At least, that's what Madonna says!  We know from watching Dinesh's movie Obama 2016 that his sympathies are with the Muslims, and not Israel.  He's trying to avoid this issue, especially because he knows he can't lose Florida, but he is obviously on the wrong side of this isse, like so many others.

We hope you'll take a few minutes to update yourself by watching.