Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Watching the debate in real time...WOW!

Watching the debate in real time, Romney is absolutely crushing Dear Leader. It's almost hard to watch, like a train wreck that is going to get bloody very soon. But it's awesome since I'm for the Governor.  He's Presidential, articulate, tough, but fair.  Obama is all about story telling. And he also HATES banks. And insurance companies. And middleman. And the healthcare industry. And profits.  So if you work for a bank, or for an insurance company, or in the healthcare industry, you need to vote for Romney.

Some other thoughts:

Clint Eastwood's empty chair would have done better than Obama.

Obama's facial tics and smiles when Romney is talking is embarrassing. Arogance, condescension always on display. He tells Leher, "I had 5 seconds left before you interrupted me." What an ass.  He also looks down a lot out of pure shame. The body language people are going to have a field day/week/month.

Entitlements, absolute blowout for Romney. Lehrer asks Obama to talk about Social Security, and he immediatley goes to Medicaire. Obama basically said SS is fine for years to come. That answer was Sophomoric, simplistic, and totally inaccurate.

Romney: Expensive things cost people money.  I don't want an unelected Board of 15 people deciding our healthcare.  He explained RomneyCare and compared it with ObamaCare, and did it very well.

Never debate a Mormon. They've never had a drink. They have every brain cell left. That's unfair, glad he's on our side!

Romney on the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, freedom, life, a strong military, was AMAZING! And his closing statement was so much better than Obummer's, it really wasn't even close at all.

Obama is all about shout out and platitudes. His closing statement was pathetic. Absolutely awful. If he were a salesman, he'd be fired for not knowing how to close a deal.

Pundits from both sides of the aisle, even guys like Bill Maher, and the MSNBC panel are ripping Obama to shreds. It was pathetic. All Obummer could do was look down. Rachel Madcow doing her best to shill for Dear leader on PMSNBC, but no person alive could do that. The Fox focus group on Hannity absolutely goes for Romney--a slam dunk. Out of 24 on the panel, something like 21 are now for Romney, and 12 of them voted for Obama in 2008. These people are amazingly sharp. Unreal! Frank Luntz was shocked and pleased.

Michael Moore calls for the firing of Obama's debate team. C Ya later John Kerry!

MSNBC's group of hacks says Obummer will be on the attack next time. Oh goody...Al Sharpton looks like he shit his pants. He probably did.  He also sounds drunk. Wow. Ed Schultz said Romeny looked like he wanted the job. Obama didn't. "I was shocked."

In fairness to Dear Leader, there is no way anyone can talk up liberal policies and programs. They suck. All of them. It's all a charade, a house of cards. But he was still awful.

So many great tweets:

if this was a fight, the referee would've called it.

A Rocky Mountain beatdown. The challenger was all over the POTUS--it was awesome.

Glenn Beck: Hey Obama, It's October.....SURPRISE!

Marco Rubio: The POTUS was exposed, and this race will never be the same again.

Joe Biden is in the fetal position. He's next! Where's the viewing party for that one????