Tuesday, June 11, 2013

California mass shooter who killed 6 was…Muslim

Did you know this? I didn't. If a Christian had done this, OMG (sorry, the G was for God), it would be the only story on the news. From the amazing folks at the blog site, Creeping Sharia.


California mass shooter who killed 6 was…Muslim

Posted on June 11, 2013 by creeping

The death toll of the shooting rampage in Santa Monica rose to six Sunday after one of the victims was taken off of life support. And more via John Zawahri’s Father Was Abusive, Santa Monica College Shooter’s Mom Charged. (Tami Abdollah misuses “charged” here – it doesn’t appear the mother has been charged with a crime)

LOS ANGELES — Police found bomb-making materials seven years ago in the home of the gunman who killed five people last week in Santa Monica, a school board official said on Tuesday.

Police discovered the materials after John Zawahri threatened fellow high school students in 2006, Oscar de la Torre, a member of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified school board, told The Associated Press.

Did school and law enforcement officials treat Zawahri with kid gloves then because he was Muslim? Did that lead to ignoring potential issues, be it family violence or mental health, that may have prevented last weeks shootings?

The board was briefed by school administrators after police found Zawahri was learning to make explosives by downloading instructions from YouTube, de la Torre said.

Sounds familiar.

“It was some type of devices or materials that would be able to make explosives, and the word `pipe bombs’ was what was referred to,” he said. “If it was guns and stuff like that it would have been more serious, but because it was explosives, it wasn’t deemed `Oh my God,’ just that this guy had a fascination.”

Zawahri wasn’t expelled, de la Torre said, but he never finished classes at Olympic High, a continuation school for students who have academic or disciplinary issues.

Zawahri, 23, shot his father, Samir Zawahri, and his 25-year-old brother, Christopher Zawahri, on Friday, leaving their home in flames before shooting at strangers in cars and at Santa Monica College.

De la Torre, who was a neighbor of Zawahri, said the gunman’s father told him he was having problems with his son eight months ago.

“They didn’t talk to a lot of people, they were very reserved,” de la Torre said. “One time he did tell me he had problems with his younger son, knowing I work with youth. He never went into detail about anything.”

Investigators were trying to determine whether problems in the Zawahri family played a role in the killings.

Zawahri’s mother, Randa Abdou, said in court filings in 1998 that her husband threatened her and became abusive five years into their marriage when she moved from Lebanon to join him in the U.S. Abdou has not spoken to the media.

Police say John Zawahri had contact with officers in 2006 but wouldn’t divulge details because he was a juvenile.

In 1993, Zawahri’s mother contacted the school terrified; not knowing where to go at the time. She told the school that “her husband had pulled a knife on her and her boys,” Parise said. The school contacted a local battered women’s shelter and Abdou went there.

When Zawahri was 9, his now-separated mother sought a restraining order. He once came to the apartment and told her that he was going to take the children to Canada, she said.

“The defendant said that he would do anything to make my life miserable and that he could kill me and no restraining order can stop him,” she said in court papers.

Sounds like something a devout Muslim who lived according to the sharia might say.

Back in February 2013 the Media Covered Up Another Muslim Mass Shooter, Ali Syed, in California who shot six people killing three of them.

Just another case of If a Muslim [blanked], would the media mention it?