Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This is how the Dims do it, Part 4,567,452: Ohio could get millions in early-education funds

Thr nightmare continues. Rig a swing state by promising freebies we can't afford. Win the state. Give them someone else's money. Rinse and repeat.

Every state (in this case Ohio), every department (Stimulus grants to the Dept of Labor), every person (the Obamaphone lady just coincidentally was also from Ohio), every municipality (Trolley Tom the Taxer is just dying to spend $60MM in "free money" in Milwaukee), every this, every that.

Read the comments too. The lefties typical response--a great investment, pays for itself, China is laughing at us, actually saves money!!! LOL--just incredible.

Part of our ongoing series, this is what we are up against!


Ohio could get millions in early-education funds