Wednesday, July 1, 2015

She's baaaaccckkkk...

Dear God help us all. If we beat her back again, we're going out for Kloppenburgers; big, ugly, meaty, huge buns, you get the picture. Victory is delicious.

This is from the 6/24 edition of WI Club for Growth (I'm a little behind):


Here we go again…
Though attributed to various sources and appearing in varied formulations, no commandment in the catechism of Marxist subterfuge is more crucial than the admonition to “always accuse your adversary of that which you are about to do.” That not everyone on the Left is a Marxist detracts nothing from their fidelity to that rule.
And so we find these words in JoAnne Kloppenburg’s announcement last Friday that she will try again to win a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court:

“Special interests have spent huge amounts of money trying to influence Wisconsin’s judicial system. Those special interests, along with partisan politics, don’t belong in our Courts. Together, we must ensure justice isn’t for sale.”

This, from the woman who in 2011 came within 8,000 votes of being installed on the state’s highest bench through the exertions and—dare we suggest?—“huge amounts of money” spent by special interests, i.e., Big Labor, in hopes of undoing the Act 10 collective bargaining reforms.   

Remember, it was broadly understood that the whole purpose of Kloppenburg’s candidacy was to form a Supreme Court majority to overturn the legislation that in the ensuing four years has saved taxpayers billions of dollars, helped school districts balance their budgets, warded off teacher layoffs and broke the corrupt teacher-union monopoly on health insurance for school district employees.  Naw, nobody allied with Kloppenburg would have spent “huge amounts of money trying to influence” that election.

The seat she seeks is held by Justice N. Patrick Crooks, who in recent years has mostly gone along with the Court’s Liberal wing; thus her election would likely bring little immediate change.  But for a quick tutorial on the remorseless, last-resort strategy of using a handful of Liberal judges to thwart the popular will as expressed through legislation, watch who lines up behind JoAnne Kloppenburg.