Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nancy Pelosi's $100K bar tab, take back the House in 2010!

This frightening woman is out of control, out of touch, and needs to be stopped. Click on the Andrew Wilkow link above to check out his site, see the actual bill, and read the article on her abuse of tax-payer funded junkets, liquor, "commutes" from DC to San Fran, and more. She is the worst type of pol, drunk with power (literally!), an out-of-touch San Fran lefty who "sneers" at the "little people." If we can take back the House, we can get her off these expensive tax-payer jets once and for all. Think we can't do it? We need to take back only 40 seats (the currrent 111th Congress has 256 Dems, 178 Republicans, 1 vacant), so 218 is needed for majority. Only 40 seats, and we can win back 45-50 or more, including possibly 3 here in Wisconsin alone: Ron Kind in district 3 (go to to help qualified challenger Dan Kapanke); the king of earmarks, the ancient, entrenched bureaucrat David Obey in district 7 (go to to help Sean Duffy: and the ultra-lefty Steve Kagen in district 8 (several challengers here, TBD).

If we can take back these 3 seats alone, imagine what the rest of the country can do. --Paul