Saturday, January 30, 2010

Scott Walker leads in WI Governor's race by +10!

Keep the pedal on the gas, still a long way to go. Visit for all the latest on this rising star in Wisconsin, the next governor of what use to be the great state of Wisconsin. Read the letter below from Scott. Thanks!--Paul

I just wanted to make sure you had seen this breaking poll today. Rasmussen Reports shows Scott Walker leading Tom Barrett by 10 points - 48% to 38%, and leading with Independent voters by a margin of 2 to 1. This poll is yet another indication that Scott Walker's plan to get our state back to work through lower taxes, less government, and more freedom is resonating with voters statewide. But, Tom Barrett and his political machine will put millions into this race to attack Scott and attempt to cover up Tom the Taxer's decades-long record of raising taxes at every turn.We must redouble our efforts to fight back against the coming wave of special interest money that will pour into Wisconsin. Please make a contribution of $5, $10, $25, $50 or any amount you can give to help us take back our state government and Believe in Wisconsin Again! Thanks again for all you have done for Scott. It’s because of YOU Scott’s message is taking hold! Together, we can take back our government and get Wisconsin back to work!

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