Tuesday, June 11, 2013

If you want to help Senate candidate Gabriel Gomex (R-MA)

In two weeks, a very important special election for U.S. Senate will take place in Massachusetts – and it remains very tight.

Gabriel Gomez, a former Navy SEAL and proven leader, is a fresh face and the type of candidate all Republicans can get behind. And, as we learned with Scott Brown, even voters in deep blue Massachusetts are willing to support a Republican when the Obama Administration veers too far to the left.

Amidst recent scandal and turmoil, President Obama has made it clear that he wants more Democratic politicians elected to rubber stamp his unpopular and radical agenda. This is why we need to send more people like Gabriel to Washington.

Democrats and special interest groups across the country are pumping money into this campaign and we need your help to stop them. There are just two weeks until this election takes place—we need to take action now!

Contribute $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can to help us elect Republicans like Gabriel who will hold this Administration accountable.

Thank you,

Chris McNulty

RNC Political Director