Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This is how they get young people to become moochers at an early age

You know I reference this newsletter, Inside Higher Ed, quite a bit. The reasons are 1) I know most people don't subscribe to it, 2) it covers colleges & universities, a very important battleground area the Left is crushing us in, 3) it leans left, and we can't just read, listen, and follow conservative thought leaders, and 4) it provides glimpses of indoctrination, bias, what goes on in campus life, etc.

Well this one is a classic. The hungry student, having to decide whether to eat or stay in school. The only thing missing is the dramatic music in the background. Can you imagine being recommended to sign up for food stamps in college?  No, I ate hot dogs, mac & cheese, whatever I could afford. Or get free child-care provided? Uh no, I didn't make a stupid mistake (or 2 or 3) as a teenager, kept it in my pants, and, this is weird by modern standards, ATTENDED COLLEGE WITHOUT HAVING CHILDREN!!! Or get help with your taxes? Help with taxes--I thought they WERE BROKE-WTF do they need help with their taxes for? Get the form, sign it, and get your refund. I thought you were a college student you effing moron! Figure it out! Grab a calculator (you do know how to use one, right?), add up all those $$$ you've earned, and sign it (oh wait, the Lefties got rid of cursive didn't they?). Maybe they do need help forging a signature.

It even has a UW-Madison connection (of course it does) as you can read.  And the cost of this little venture, that will only grow and grow as they continue to tell poor college kids about all the freebies they are, you guessed it, ENTITLED TO?  Take a look.

Now we all know the reason we supposedly can't get the youth vote is because we are a bunch of old meanies. They have absolutely no idea what previous (and current who pay) generations went through to attend college. Working multiple jobs, taking out loans (from banks, not the broke Federal Government), relying on parents (how about 2 working parents? Maybe give that one a try and see if that helps--oh wait, then you lose all the single mom, out of wedlock freebies that have bankrupted us) to get 2nd jobs, scrimp, and save so their kids can have a better life. Or serving in the military instead of making babies.

Life is all about making choices. Why is it that those who make only TERRIBLE ONES are entitled?

Understand I'll get ripped for this post, but just enough already.  The Socialist, it takes an entire village crowd will say these poor darlings didn't choose their parents (uh, either did I), live in poverty (so work to get out of it--do you think our ancestors had money when they got here?), and are hungry (hungry? We've given them free meals in schools their whole lives--if I had been given free food for my entire life, I'd have saved a lot of money so that when I became AN ADULT I could PAY FOR MY OWN FOOD!!!)

This innocent little story struck a nerve. Probably you too.

Nonprofit group Single Stop helps low-income students avoid financial barriers | Inside Higher Ed